Green Team Interiors are keen to support eFIG (European Federation of Interior Landscape Group) who have launched a one-day campaign, Healthy Plant, Healthy You. This is what they “prescribe to start the year off in the right spirit” and they’re offering an infusion of plants for a healthy work life.

Some of the benefits of plants eFIG highlight include:

  • Plants help prevent the winter blues
  • They help to keep germs in the office to a minimum
  • Plants help reduce anxiety and stress, keeping everyone happier
  • They answer our need for biophilia, the connection with nature

If like Green Team Interiors you are an advocate of plants in the workplace, you can help eFIG to spread the word by getting involved on social media. Use the hashtag #plantswork to show what you’re doing to promote plants in the workplace, you can even take a ‘deskie’ like we have!

To find out more about Healthy Plant, Healthy You, click here.