A stunning day out for the Team at Kew Gardens to see the famous Orchid Festival – a Carnival of Tropical Colour. Even better, the sun shone all day!

It was so nice to see so many varieties and colours, not only of Orchids but other tropical flowers and in such a stunning setting.  It was almost intoxicating when we first walked into the Greenhouse.  A real feast for the eyes and the nose!  The Princess of Wales Conservatory had been transformed into a rich carnival of colour to celebrate the rich biodiversity of Brazil. Stunning displays of vibrant orchids and bromeliads suspended from the ceiling and around every support pillar transported us to the tropics.

Following the heat and humidity of the glasshouses, we all took a walk around the impressive Treetop Walkway which can be found in the Arboretum. The walkway soars 18 metres into a tree canopy of lime, sweet chestnut and oak and offers an unrivalled bird’s eye view across the gardens.

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