
22nd August 2023
Plants, they’re a bit boring really

Well, of course we don’t think so, but we have to accept that some people are not quite as enthusiastic about them as we are.

There will be people reading this that absolutely love cars, and they could easily hold forth on the subject of cam shafts, or radiator valves and other car bits and pieces for ages. To others, a car is little more than a machine used to get from A to B and the most important gadget is the CD player that you use to drown out that annoying noise coming from the engine.

And so it is with plants.

We love them, and we are rarely happier than when we are discussing the merits of a Ficus Amstel King with braided stem or the sheer beauty of an Aeschynanthus. But for some people, plants are functional, particularly in the workplace.

The health benefits of green plants are beyond question, and we take great pains to tell everyone about cleaner air, soundproofing, reduced heating and A/C bills, reduced absenteeism and the well-documented advantages to mental and physical wellbeing.

But we know, and understand, that sometimes you just need something to cover up a dull wall or hide an ugly eyesore (no, we don’t mean Kevin in accounts).

This is why we take such care to find out exactly what you need before we offer our suggestions, there is always a right plant for the job, and it is up to us to make sure that you get exactly what you want, and need.

We don’t sell plants ‘by the yard’, but we are pragmatic enough to appreciate that sometimes, our customers need something a little bit different from us.

A great example of this is the work that we do with companies that are changing the way that their workplaces operate, with flexible working leaving some businesses with space to fill, either temporarily or permanently.

Our range of Moss Walls and Living Space Dividers offer wonderful opportunities to transform these new spaces, filling offices with life and making workplaces more attractive with well-positioned displays that are as practical as they are visually appealing.

This is a well thought out solution to a genuine challenge, we think the results work brilliantly and look beautiful and judging by the positive responses that we regularly receive, so too do our customers.

If you have a specific requirement, and you’ve never thought of a planted display as the answer, why not give us a call, we have just the right plant for the job.

Plants, we know that you’ll grow to love them.

NB. There’s nothing we can do about Kevin, he’s your problem.

From the blog

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