
15th July 2022
Awards, huh, what are they good for?

Forgive me for channelling my inner Edwin Starr (I sometimes think I need some more up to date cultural references, perhaps I should start listening to more Ariana Grande?)

Anyway, notwithstanding my tastes in music, Green Team Interiors have traditionally been rather successful in the annual ‘Plants at Work Awards’, receiving a number of coveted Gold Leaf Awards for our work, and we are of course thrilled and delighted by the accolade from our industry peers.

The awards recognise excellence in our industry, and it is a genuine thrill to add this current gong to our, ahem, many previous wins, but why is it so important to us?

Well, ours is a very competitive market and we go up against a number of great, often much larger companies than us every single day, and receiving an award like this does have a bit of a David and Goliath feel about it. It’s a boost for everyone here at Green Team Interiors to know that our work is independently recognised and it certainly puts a little extra spring in our steps.

But perhaps even more importantly, it gives us a chance to see how well we are doing, not in a self-congratulatory way, but as a company.

It’s what I believe we need to refer to as benchmarking.

There are of course many ways to measure our development and success as a business.

  • Turnover
  • Profit
  • Client satisfaction
  • Sales
  • Customer Feedback and Referrals
  • A full order book

The application process involved in entering the awards process allows us to review our entire business, to seek out our genuine point of difference, to consider what we got that can compete with the giants of our industry?

The prize itself will look great next to all the others, but the true value is in the opportunity to step back and take a forensic look at our business, and vitally, to consider what we could be doing even better.

We have seen a couple of areas that can be improved upon, and we will work hard to make some tweaks and changes, nothing too radical, we are after all a very successful, multi-award winning business, but we will strive, as always to be the very best that we can be.

The 2022 awards are almost upon us and we would like to thank the organisers and judges at Plants at Work for once again giving us the chance to ‘judge’ ourselves and for helping us to deliver an even better service.

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