
8th March 2023
International Women’s Day

The theme of International Women’s Day 2023 is ‘Equity’, and it brought to mind this quote ‘’Not being able to do everything is no excuse for not doing everything that you can’’.

There are variations of the saying, but I am sure you get the idea.

Green Team Interiors is an SME, a Small to Medium size Enterprise. We do not have the deep pockets of a multi-national business, the influence of a large company or the social media presence provided by an expensive marketing team.

So what.

We do what we can, and what we can do, we do with complete sincerity.

Equity means ‘justice according to natural law or right’, we embrace this principal in every aspect of our business, in fact our business was built on this very idea. Our co-founder, Ruth Neal developed ‘A Better Way’ more than twenty-years ago and it guides our working practices to this day.

‘A Better Way’, describes our firmly held belief that business is not just about profits and dividends, it’s about people and relationships, community, respect and a consideration for every person that our company touches.

We are in awe of the work done by the organisers of International Women’s Day, and while we know that they enjoy the support of some of the largest companies and organisations in the world, they do not have any greater champion than Green Team Interiors.

We are proud to show our support for IWD and their aim to make the lives of millions of people more enjoyable, rewarding and free from bias in every respect.


Mark and the entire team at Green Team Interiors

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