
5th April 2019
What’s so great about Plants then?

More specifically, what’s so great about plants in the workplace?

Of course, we must declare more than a little self-interest here. After all, we do supply and maintain plant displays in workplaces across the south east and beyond, so you could be justified in thinking ‘well, you would say that, wouldn’t you!’

So let’s start with some facts.
Plants increase productivity, improve air quality and balance humidity. They also reduce stress and noise, reduce absenteeism and sickness but boost creative thinking, whilst helping people relax.

But you already knew all that because we have written lots of blogs about the health and environmental benefits of plants… you have been reading them haven’t you?

Now for some other reasons to use well maintained plant displays in the workplace…

  • look great.
  • brighten up dull areas (and can even disguise ugly wallpaper or unsightly stains).
  • can be used to divide office spaces much better than a dull old partition (but please don’t stick post-it notes on them!)
  • make your workplace more attractive to visitors, employees and future talent.
  • will create a ‘wow factor’ in any reception area or front desk.

So, what types of plants are best for the workplace?

It depends entirely upon where you work, and here at Green Team Interiors we take care to consider where the plants will be living before making our suggestions. Then, once installed, our maintenance team visit every fortnight to make sure that the plants are looking great and thriving in their workplace environment.

Plants are great for business, please call us for a chat and we will be delighted to help. 01730 890111 

From the blog

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