Plants, they’re a bit boring really

Plants, they’re a bit boring really

Well, of course we don’t think so, but we have to accept that some people are not quite as enthusiastic about them as we are. There will be people reading this that absolutely love cars, and they could easily hold forth on the subject of cam shafts, or radiator valves...
A word about Greenwashing

A word about Greenwashing

From misleading product packaging and unsubstantiated claims, all the way through to telling downright fibs, businesses of all shapes and sizes are being called out for ‘Greenwashing’. High profile lawsuits and some pretty embarrassing apologies hit the headlines...
The surprising world of biophilia and biophilic design

The surprising world of biophilia and biophilic design

It may not be a word with which you are familiar but we guarantee you will be hearing a lot more about it. What is it? Biophilia, or the biophilia hypothesis is the idea that all human beings possess an inborn need to connect with nature and other life-forms. It was...