Plants to the Rescue

Plants to the Rescue

When we heard that the theme for Plants at Work Week 2024 was ‘Plants to the Rescue’, we immediately thought of superheroes. Well, to be perfectly honest our first few thoughts centred on how we could dress Wade, the GTI office dog up as a Thunderbird, or have him...
The ‘Hotelification’ of the workplace

The ‘Hotelification’ of the workplace

We must confess that in the dark days of lockdown, and its immediate aftermath, we had some very serious concerns about some parts of our future business. It was clear that the workplace was changed, perhaps forever, and there was no certainty that our services would...
Ah, Bee Days are Here Again*

Ah, Bee Days are Here Again*

You know it’s an important environmental issue when the United Nations get involved. This year, as always we will be celebrating bees, and other pollinators, by supporting World Bee Day on May 20th, and we are pleased to publish this, and other blogs with some handy...
Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

We write a lot about the positive benefits that workplace plants can have on reducing employee stress levels, in fact we have entire sections of our website dedicated to the subject. But we have to accept that stress is an issue that can divide opinion, and we have to...
Plants, they’re a bit boring really

Plants, they’re a bit boring really

Well, of course we don’t think so, but we have to accept that some people are not quite as enthusiastic about them as we are. There will be people reading this that absolutely love cars, and they could easily hold forth on the subject of cam shafts, or radiator valves...